Capacity and Sustainability in LGBT Sport and Recreation Survey

3 September 2012

3 September 2012

In preparation for Scrum 2012, and for the LGBT Sport Leadership Programme, OUTSPORT TORONTO is looking for input from its member organisations.  We ask that every board / collective / executive / steering committee member and every nominee complete a short survey found at  Your responses will be integral to ensuring we are planning the best sessions possible for you this year. 

Please complete the survey no later than 14 September 2012.  Also, please make sure to pass this along to all members of your board / collective / executive / steering committee.  OUTSPORT TORONT does not always have a complete, up-to-date record of and eMail addresses for all member organisations' board / collective / executive / steering committee members.

If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact either James Scott, Director of Membership and Member Services, at , or Shawn Sheridan, Chair, at .